Friday, September 30, 2022

Ludum Dare Starts Today!

Ludum Dare 51 starts today, and the theme is “Every 10 seconds”. It’s not my ideal theme, but I think I’ve got an idea for it. I’m starting a bit late too, so I’m hoping that I’ll be able to make something before both the Compo and Jam end. I also have a feeling that this might end up as a Jam game, but it’d be really cool if I could get it in for the Compo. Anyways, let’s do this thing!

Here’s the software I’ll be using to make my game:
-Multimedia Fusion Developer 2

Friday, September 2, 2022

1 Year In!

This blog is now 1 year old! Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Ludum Dare is starting October 1st

Ludum Dare 49 will soon be under way. Let’s do this thing.